...a hike this Sunday on Mt Tam, Trusty's favorite hiking spot, where she had her last long hike on Memorial Day! I'll have her ashes to spread and we'll stop at the Bare Knoll where we had many picnic lunches and Trusty liked to plop down on the food blanket and inch her way towards the salami...All are welcomed, especially other four-leggeds and friends who can sense Trusty's spirit herding our pack up the mountain. One thousand thanks for your support during this sad time. Love, RR
..maybe everyone can toast with a slice of salami rather than wine in honor of TR... What do you think?? Just a thought---so so wish I could be there...Rosemary, Trusty had every kind of imported cold cut at my house---i never admitted it before in case you were upset about the whole food issue:) Trusty was very grateful though....in spirit---with trusty rossi. xo - b